Research Journal

Online ISSN No. 2790 – 3885

Defining an effective Digital
Strategic Framework in a
Knowledge-Based Organization

Abraham Sotelo Nava
ORCID No: 0009-0005-6729-6250
Email: abraham.sotelo@outlook.com


This research focuses on the purpose of a digital strategy for a knowledge-based organization. Identifying the key elements that should be included in a successful digital strategy framework for such an organization, like the OECD. Having an effective digital strategy framework for a knowledge-based organization is key to maintaining leadership in evidence-based analysis and optimizing the use of data, information, and knowledge available through digital means. This requires building out the next generation of policy outputs and other AI-enabled processes, adapting to rapid technological advancements, and ensuring coherence and consistency in data and knowledge management across the organization. A successful digital strategy framework should include design principles, working principles, values, goals, and governance that align with the mission of the organization, guide how work must be approached, and enable better data, information, and knowledge stewardship. A qualitative research approach was undertaken to understand people’s experiences, practical perspectives, and recommended best practices applicable to the research question at hand.

Keywords: Knowledge based, Digital Transformation