Research Journal

Online ISSN No. 2790 – 3885

Total Quality Management and
Performance: Gender and Company Size as
Moderating Factors in Pharmaceutical
Distribution Companies in Somalia

Badra Saed Hussein
ORCID No: 0000-0003-4569-3894
Email: badra2099@live.com
Ansarullah Tantry
ORCID No: 0000-0002-7944-4661
Email: ansarullah.t@westford.org.uk


Total quality management is a strategy for ensuring long-term success by focusing on improving the customer experience. When a company implements Total Quality Management, everyone in the company works together to better the company’s operations, its outputs, and its internal culture. For this reason, researchers in Somalia set out to analyse how Total Quality Management principles affect business success in the pharmaceutical distribution sector. A cross-sectional approach was used in the research and Somalia’s 30 pharmaceutical wholesalers were examined.

Since everyone has an equal opportunity of being included in the study, a stratified random sampling approach was applied. Structured questionnaires were used to gather the primary data. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data using SPSS, and the results were displayed as percentages, probabilities, means, standard deviations, correlation coefficients, and SEM.

In this study, it was found that pharmaceutical company performance was significantly impacted by TQM principles. A positive correlation between TQM principles and company performance was confirmed by SPSS (Pearson correlation) analysis. TQM’s impact on business success is examined further and found to be independent of factors like employee gender or firm size. This study’s findings corroborate those of earlier research and shine a light on how crucial TQM techniques are to the financial and social success of the pharmaceutical distribution industry. Both the study’s limitations and its recommendations for businesses are examined.